Garmin-Asus Nuvifone StartUp Animation for WVGA phones

This phone startup animation package is designed for Garmin-Asus Nuvifone M10 series and/or phones with WVGA resolution (480 x 800).

Please remember to backup the original files before you overwrite them with the included files.

The animation file name and location may vary depending on the phone company of yours; many of the phone companies replace the original Windows Mobile animation with their own, so you will need to do some research in order to know which files to replace.

This package includes:
CLOSE_OEM.gif - shuwdown animation
HELLO_OEM.gif - startup animation
start_oem.wav - startup sound
stop_oem.wav - shutdown sound
welcomehead.192.png - startup screen
readme.txt - package information

Please click the following to link to download the file:

Garmin-Asus nuvifone animation (PC).zip (1.48MB)
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