Intel Xeon - 2001

Starting 2001, Intel decided to separate the Xeon product line by removing "Pentium" initials in the Xeon products. In fact, the 2001 Xeon microprocessor (CPU) is actually Pentium 4 Xeon (based on its production process and old naming scheme). I spent a lot of thought on whether I should put this processor under Pentium 4 or put it in a separate page; because of Intel's new marketing strategy, I decided to put it in a separate page.
The performance of the very first Xeon processor (code name: Foster, using P4 Willamette core) is actually worse than Pentium III Xeon 2MB and it requires the expensive Rambus RAM, so its market respond was very poor. Foster can only support up to duo-processors (also called Foster DP), so Intel later released another multi-processor version of Foster (also known as Foster MP) which supports up to eight processors. After that, Intel released Prestonia (using Northwood core), Gallatin (Prestonia MP) and Nocona (the 64-bit version) version of Xeon processors.
Process: |
0.18 micron |
Package: |
FC-BGA package mounted on 603-pin interposer - 5.33 cm x 5.33 cm |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit, 64 bit |
Working Voltage: |
1.75V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
1000 MHz - 3600 MHz |
Intel Xeon DP 1300Mhz Foster Engineering Sample QY89ES [F]
Intel Xeon DP 1500Mhz Foster (RN80528KC021G0K) [F] [B]

自2001年開始,英特爾決定將Xeon這產品線獨立出來,結束之前將Pentium字樣放在產品名稱裡的習慣。不過實際上,這條於2001年開始的產品線實際上就是 Pentium 4 Xeon。我也掙扎了許久,到底要把這款處理器編在Pentium 4下面,還是另闢一頁。基於Intel本身的市場策略,我還是決定將其與Pentium 4分開來。
Xeon第一款代號為Foster的中央處理器晶片(CPU)使用Willamette核心,由於伺服器效能比Pentium III Xeon 2MB還差,而且要需要使用Rambus記憶體(非常昂貴),所以其銷售量很差。Foster只支援到雙處理器(稱為Foster DP),所以後來英特爾又推出了支援多處理器(最多到八個)版本的Foster,稱為Foster MP。之後,英特爾又陸續推出Prestonia(使用Northwood核心)、Gallatin(Prestonia MP)及Nocona(64位元版本)的Xeon處理器。
製程: |
0.18 micron |
封裝: |
FC-BGA package mounted on 603-pin interposer - 5.33 cm x 5.33 cm |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit, 64 bit |
工作電壓: |
1.75V |
工作時脈: |
1000 MHz - 3600 MHz |
Intel Xeon DP 1300Mhz Foster Engineering Sample QY89ES 正
Intel Xeon DP 1500Mhz Foster (RN80528KC021G0K) 正 反
