Intel RISC - 1989

These are the Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) microprocessors (CPU), which are incompatible with the famous Intel x86 series, Intel released. RISC is another type of processor architecture which differs from the traditional Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) like Intel x86 processors; RISC instructions are fewer, simpler and easier to learn and program. This type of processors has better performance on floating point operations than integers (when compared with CISC). RISC processors were primarily used for building super computers. Around 1994, Intel Paragon, which was the fast computer at the time, was built using i860 processors. Now, almost all newer processors design uses RISC; x86 processors are the only CISC processors still in production today. In fact, the many of the newer x86 processors also uses RISC architecture at the core.
The motherboard on the right was taken from an Intel Paragon MP-64 super computer. Each board counts as one node (each node uses three Intel 860 XP 50Mhz CPUs), and an Intel Paragon super computer contains many nodes (e.g. 512 nodes). Of course, a computer like that is huge in physical dimension.
Intel StrongARM and Xscale was the low power consumption RISC processor designed for PDA computers.
Process: |
1 micron and 0.8 micron |
Package: |
168-pin ceramic PGA |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
3.3V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
25MHz - 100MHz |
Intel 80860 XP 50Mhz RISC (A80860XP-50) [F] [F] [B]
Intel 80860 XR 33Mhz RISC (A80860XR-33) [F] [B]
Intel 80860 XR 40Mhz RISC (A80860XR-40) [F] [B]
Intel 80960 25Mhz RISC (A80960CA-25) [F] [B]
Intel 80960 25Mhz RISC (A80960KA-25) [F]
Intel 80960 25Mhz RISC PGA(KU80960CF25) [F]
Intel 80960 33Mhz RISC (A80960CF33) [F]
Intel 80960 33Mhz RISC (GC80960RP3V33) [F]
Intel 80960 66Mhz Silver (GC80960RD66) [F]
Intel 80960 66Mhz Black (GC80960RD66) [F]
Intel 80960 100Mhz Engineering Sample (GC80960RM100) [F]
Intel StrongARM SA-110 233 RISC (21281-EB) [F]
Intel Xscale 400Mhz Engineering Sample (PXA250C0C400) [F] [B]

這邊是英特爾所推出的 Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC,精簡指令集) 中央處理器晶片(CPU),其完全不相容於 Intel x86系列。RISC為一種處理器架構,與傳統的複雜指令集(CISC)不同,RISC指令格式統一、種類少,容易學習、設計與開發程式。此款處理器的浮點能力大於整數運算。RISC微處理器當初通常用於建造超級電腦。在1993年前後,英特爾Paragon超級電腦就是由一連串i860所組成的,曾經有一度為當時世界上最快的超級電腦。現在幾乎新一代的微處理器都是使用RISC架構。x86系列是目前世界上唯一還在生產的CISC架構的微處理器,而其實連新款的x86微處理器其核心也漸漸採用RISC的設計。
右邊這塊就是英特爾Paragon MP-64超級電腦的主機板,每一塊主機板算是一個運算單元(節點、Node,而一個節點使用三顆Intel 860 XP 50Mhz),而一台英特爾Paragon超級電腦則是由很多運算單元組成的(比如說512個)。當然,這樣組起來的一台電腦當然是大到嚇死人。
Intel StrongARM 和 Xscale 則是 Intel 為掌上型電腦(PDA)所推出的低耗電的RISC(精簡指令集)微處理器。
製程: |
1 micron and 0.8 micron |
封裝: |
168-pin ceramic PGA |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
3.3V |
工作時脈: |
25MHz - 100MHz |
Intel 80860 XP 50Mhz RISC (A80860XP-50) 正 正 反
Intel 80860 XR 33Mhz RISC (A80860XR-33) 正 反
Intel 80860 XR 40Mhz RISC (A80860XR-40) 正 反
Intel 80960 25Mhz RISC (A80960CA-25) 正 反
Intel 80960 25Mhz RISC (A80960KA-25) 正
Intel 80960 25Mhz RISC PGA(KU80960CF25) 正
Intel 80960 33Mhz RISC (A80960CF33) 正
Intel 80960 33Mhz RISC (GC80960RP3V33) 正
Intel 80960 66Mhz Silver (GC80960RD66) 正
Intel 80960 66Mhz Black (GC80960RD66) 正
Intel 80960 100Mhz Engineering Sample Q137 (GC80960RM100) 正
Intel StrongARM SA-110 233 RISC (21281-EB) 正
Intel Xscale 400Mhz Engineering Sample (PXA250C0C400) 正 反
