Intel Pentium MMX - 1997

Pentium MMX can be looked as the enhanced version of the original Pentium. Besides newly implemented MMX (Multi-Media eXtension) instructions and 64-bit data declaration, Intel also increased its internal cache size from 8KB to 16KB and lowered the working voltage to 2.8V. From now on, all the Intel processors for desktop computers supports MMX instructions.
All of the Intel official documentation indicates that only 166Mhz-233Mhz Pentium MMX were released, but, did anyone notice that there actually are Pentium MMX 133Mhz, 150Mhz and 266Mhz CPUs in my collection? How could this be? In fact, the 266Mhz should be the mobile version of Pentium MMX (code name: Tillamook). I don't know about that 133Mhz and 150Mhz, though. The TT300 at lower right is actually TT80503300 Mobile version, which is also the fastest Pentium avalible in the market and pretty rare, too. Despite its market value, the TT300 is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful chips in my whole Intel collection.
Process: |
0.35 micron, 4.5 million transistors |
Package: |
296-pin Staggered Ceramic Pin Grid Array |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
2.8V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
166 MHz - 300 MHz |
Intel Pentium MMX 133Mhz (FV80503133) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 150Mhz (FV80503150) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 150Mhz Q0941 Engineering Sample (FV80503150) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz (A80503166) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz Boxed (BP80503166) [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz (FV80503166) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz PGA (GC80503CSM) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz (A80503200) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz Boxed (BP80503200) [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz Boxed PPGA (BP80503200) [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz (FV80503233) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz Boxed (BP80503233) [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz Boxed PPGA (BP80503233) [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz Q140 Boxed PPGA Engineering Sample (BP80503233) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 266Mhz (FV80503266) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium MMX 266Mhz Q688 Engineering Sample (FV80503266) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium Mobile 166Mhz MMC-1 (TT80503166) [F]
Intel Pentium Mobile 200Mhz SL20P (TT200) [F]
Intel Pentium Mobile 300Mhz SL34N (TT300) [F] [B]

Pentium MMX 等於是 Pentium的加強版中央處理器晶片(CPU),除了增加67個MMX(Multi-Media eXtension)指令以及64位元資料型態之外之外,也將內建指令及資料暫存(Cache)從之前的8KB增加到16KB,內部工作電壓降到2.8V。而英特爾之後的桌上型中央處理器皆包含了MMX指令。
所有的英特爾官方文件都指出,Pentium MMX的工作時脈是166MHz - 233MHz,可是,各位看倌有注意到嗎?我的收藏裡面有Pentium MMX 133Mhz、150Mhz以及266Mhz,這些到底是怎麼一回事呢?實際上,266Mhz那款應該是代號Tillamook的筆記型電腦用版本(133Mhz和150Mhz那就不知道了)。右下角的TT300其實就是TT80503300的筆電版,也是整個Pentium速度最快的版本,市面上並不常有。且不論它的市場價值,光光就外觀而言,我覺得這是我收集裡面最漂亮的晶片之一。
製程: |
0.35 micron, 4.5 million transistors |
封裝: |
296-pin Staggered Ceramic Pin Grid Array |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
2.8V |
工作時脈: |
166 MHz - 300 MHz |
Intel Pentium MMX 133Mhz (FV80503133) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 150Mhz (FV80503150) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 150Mhz Q0941 Engineering Sample (FV80503150) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz (A80503166) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz Boxed (BP80503166) 反
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz (FV80503166) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 166Mhz PGA (GC80503CSM) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz (A80503200) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz Boxed (BP80503200) 反
Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz Boxed PPGA (BP80503200) 反
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz (FV80503233) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz Boxed (BP80503233) 反
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz Boxed PPGA (BP80503233) 反
Intel Pentium MMX 233Mhz Q140 Boxed PPGA Engineering Sample (BP80503233) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 266Mhz (FV80503266) 正 反
Intel Pentium MMX 266Mhz Q688 Engineering Sample (FV80503266) 正 反
Intel Pentium Mobile 166Mhz MMC-1 (TT80503166) 正
Intel Pentium Mobile 200Mhz SL20P (TT200) 正
Intel Pentium Mobile 300Mhz SL34N (TT300) 正 反
