Intel Pentium M - 2003

Intel Pentium M was released in March, 2003. Pentium M is also a very interesting product with lots stories. Pentium M is not a Pentium 4 low-power-consumption version but a revised Pentium III Tualatin, whose core design originally came from Pentium Pro. This is the first time Intel uses the design that is several generation old in the company's history. In fact, Pentium 4's design is too power-consuming and the products from main competitor, AMD, are far more efficient than Intel's; Intel has no choice but seek for a replacement for the original design. Another interesting fact is that Pentium M actually has slower clock speed than most Pentium 4 products. In the past, Intel tried to increase the clock speed as much as possible and bragged that the higher clock speed brings superior performance to mislead the customers. However, Intel finally meets the bottleneck of air-cooled processor's clock limit; also they found out that increase in clock speed brings less performance boost based on the current design. At the time, AMD's product has better performance despite the fact that their processors actually runs slower than Intel (clock-speed-wise). Although slowing the product clock speed down might hurt the creditability of previous marketing campaign, it is still better than keep using the old technology. Pentium M, was intended for mobile platforms; at least this could be an excuse for slowing the clock speed down: saving power. There are actually companies released desktop motherboards using Pentium M.
The processors coded name Banias is the first generation of Pentium M class; although the clock speed is slower but it has better performance than Pentium 4. For example: the performance of Pentium M 1.6Mhz is roughly equal to Pentium 4 Northwood running at 2.4Ghz. The second generation is Dothan; starting from this generation, Intel ended the naming scheme they used for twenty years: putting the clock speed in the product's name. Now Intel uses product numbers to mislead (or confuse?) the idiotic consumers that the new products is actually having a slower clock speed (thus have poorer performance if based on Intel's previous marketing campaign). Another mystery brand: Centrino is the result of Intel spending 300 million on the marketing. Centrino, in fac,t does not refer solely to Pentium M CPU of any type, but a general term of a chip set consist of: a Pentium M CPU, an Intel peripheral chip set and an Intel wireless adaptor.
The Banias cored Intel Pentium M 1.2Ghz on the right was first introduced on Intel Developer Forum in 2002. However, the first commercial release Pentium M processor started from 1.3 Ghz in 2003.
Process: |
0.13 micron = 130 nm |
Package: |
478-pin Micro-FCPGA |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
1.484V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
1300MHz - 2260MHz |
Intel Pentium M 1200Mhz Banias Engineering Sample (QSU5) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium M 1700Mhz Dothan Engineering Sample (QABL) [F] [B]
Intel Celerom M 1400Mhz Engineering Sample (QAHU) [F] [B]

Intel Pentium M 中央處理器晶片(CPU)於2003年三月正式上市。Pentium M有非常多有趣而且有違英特爾常理的事蹟。Pentium M並不是Pentium 4的低耗電量版本,而是由Pentium III Tualatin 核心修改而來,而Tualatin又是從Pentium Pro的設計而來。這種科技開倒車的情況還是英特爾有史以來第一遭,可是實際上由於Pentium 4的設計過於耗電,而又在超微(AMD)的追趕之下,英特爾不得不尋找替代原本設計的方案。另一個有趣的事為Pentium M的工作時脈比Pentium 4還慢。以往英特爾的市場策略就是拚命提高時脈,然後吹噓自己產品的高時脈效能來打擊對手時脈較低的產品。可是直到Pentium 4,英特爾不但遇到氣冷式微處理器時脈提升的瓶頸,而且發覺時脈的提升對於實際效能的增加也非常有限。當時超微(AMD)的產品雖然工作時脈較低,但是在效能上卻比英特爾有過之而無不及。雖然這種降低時脈的策略無異是自打嘴巴,但是至少比固守舊設計好。Pentium M顧名思義應該是給筆記型電腦用的低耗電量版本(Mobile),這樣至少可以對降低時脈可以自圓其說:省電。實際上也有廠商推出使用Pentium M的桌上型電腦主機板。
Pentium M的第一代產品為Banias核心,時脈雖然比P4慢但是效能卻比較高。舉例來說,Pentium M 1.6 GHz的效能與Pentium 4 2.4 GHz Northwood差不多。而Pentium M第二代產品為代號Dothan的核心。這一代開始,英特爾正式終止其二十幾年來以時脈來命名的模式,而改用代號的方式(以免笨蛋消費者發現他們的新產品時脈比以前慢)。而另外一個有趣的事就是「Centrino」這個品牌,英特爾花了三億美元所塑造的品牌實際上並不是單指Pentium M這個產品,而是指Pentium M、英特爾周邊晶片組以及英特爾無線網路晶片組的一個統稱。
右邊的Pentium M為Banias核心的 1.2Ghz 工程版,於2002年的Intel Developer Forum 第一次公開亮相。實際上Pentium M正式在2003年三月上市的時候是從1.3Ghz起跳。
製程: |
0.13 micron = 130 nm |
封裝: |
478-pin Micro-FCPGA |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
1.484V |
工作時脈: |
1300MHz - 2260MHz |
Intel Pentium M 1200Mhz Banias Engineering Sample (QSU5) 正 反
Intel Pentium M 1700Mhz Dothan Engineering Sample (QABL) 正 反
Intel Celerom M 1400Mhz Engineering Sample (QAHU) 正 反
