Intel Pentium IV - 2000

Intel Pentium 4 (IV) should be a no stranger for everyone. It is also the beginning of Intel's new marketing strategy. Starting from Pentium 4, Intel no longer release new processors with a new name every year or two; instead, they keep reusing the name "Pentium 4," which eventually would end up having so many brothers and sisters in the family. The P4 family continued for almost five years, this is the first time Intel have adopted this kind of marketing strategy. Pentium 4's power consumption is outrageous (from the 72W to the later over a hundred), so Intel started using Thermal Monitor on the CPU. Thermal Monitor allows the processors to adjust their working speed (can even shut down if needed) to prevent overheating.
There are many different types of Pentium 4 from different production process. Willamette is the early version of the P4 family. The first generation of P4 Willamette actually uses pocket 423, a package incompatible with the rest of P4 line (means no upgrade). P4 Willamette 423 also uses a special type of RAM called Rambus, which was super expensive at the time. Therefore, the sales of Pentium 4 socket 423 dropped to rock bottom. Intel, later, introduced a new type of P4 package called Socket 478. At the beginning, P4 Socket 478 still uses Willamette core, but, in respond to the market, Intel released new chip-sets supporting the more popular (and cheaper) SD-RAM (and later DDR-RAM). Northwood is the second generation of P4 produced using 0.13 micro process; it has the advantages of low power consumption, smaller die size and lower heat generation. After that is Prescott (using 0.09 micro), although the technology is new, but the increase in performance was not obvious; Prescott also has serious over-heating problems. Intel later introduced a new technology called Hyper Threading to boost P4's performance and also released Extreme Edition (MSRP: US$999.99) for high end consumer market. The last generations of P4 processors include: Prescott with Socket LGA 775, Prestonia (originally designed for Xeon), Gallatin (enhanced version of Northwood).
The chip on the right with no marking is believed to be an early Intel Socket 423 Mechanical Sample. There are two main differences between this sample and all other Pentium 4 Socket 423 (including Intel Pentium IV 1.2Ghz Engineering Sample). First, the gold plated corner on the brown and green PCB board points at the same direction (normal P4 423 points at 90 degree angle). Second, the IC at the back of the sample is just half of the ordinary p4 423. You can compare the photos to see the differences. I tried hard to find the data for this sample, and I finally found it based on the mechanical samples Intel released in early 2000.
Process: |
0.18 micron |
Package: |
Organic Land Grid Array (OLGA) package with Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) on 423-pin interposer |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
1.75V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
1300MHz - 3800MHz |
Intel Pentium IV Socket 423 Mechnical Sample [F] [B]
Intel Pentium IV 1300Mhz Willamette [F] [B]
Intel Pentium IV 1800AMhz Northwood [F] [B]
Intel Pentium IV 2000Mhz Northwood [F] [B]
Intel Pentium IV 2400Mhz Prescott Engineering Sample [F]
Intel Pentium IV Cerelon 2500Mhz Northwood [F] [B]

Pentium 4 (IV) 相信大家都不陌生。這也是英代爾市場策略進入新紀元的開始。從P4開始,Intel已經不再每一兩年就推出全新命名的中央處理器晶片(CPU),反而一再使用 Pentium IV這個名字,這個作法,導致 Pentium IV這個家族有一堆兄弟姊妹,而且這個P4家族延續了五年,這英特爾的市場策略是前所未見的。Pentium IV耗電量非常驚人(從剛開始的72W到後來一百多瓦),所以從P4開始,英特爾在晶片上開始使用熱監控(Thermal Monitor)。此技術可以讓CPU 根據溫度調整時脈週期,及防止散熱不足情況下所造成的傷害。
Penitum IV有分許多製程,Willamette 為P4最早的產品,其中還包括 Socket 423這個跟之後都不相容的封裝(因為接腳數不同嘛),不過正是因為不能升級而且只能使用Rambus這個怪物記憶體規格(貴到死),所以此款銷售奇差無比。後來Intel採用Socket 478,剛開始仍然是沿用Willamette為核心,不過應市場要求,英特爾也開始推出較低價的支援SD-RAM(以及稍後的DDR RAM)的晶片組。Northwood是第二代產品,採用0.13微米製程,具有電壓低、體積小、溫度低的優點。再來就是Prescott(0.09微米),雖然這技術很新,不過由於效能提升並不明顯,而且有過熱的問題。後來英特爾又推出Hyper Threading技術,大大增加工作效率,讓P4又成為市場寵兒。英特爾之後又推出Extreme Edition(一顆美金一千)、含有Prestonia(原本給伺服器用的Xeon核心)以及Gallatin(0.13微米Northwood外頻提升改良版)核心的CPU。現在市場上的高階Pentium IV則是 Socket LGA 775的 Prescott為主。
右邊這顆無字的晶片據信就是英特爾早期的Socket 423 Mechanical Sample。這顆與後來推出的Intel Pentium IV 1.2Ghz Engineering Sample(注意是1.2Ghz喔,比正式推出的1.3Ghz慢)還有後來所有後來推出的 Pentium 4 Socket 423有兩個很大的不同,第一,就是正面棕色電路版與綠色電路版角落的金色三角形是指向同一方向的(正式版是呈九十度角)。第二,背面的IC是正式版的一半(電路版紋路也完全不一樣)。大家可以比較一下右邊正式版的照片得到印證。這顆晶片費了我不少功夫才查證到它的來歷,最後在Intel於2000年初所發佈的Mechanical Sample得到印證。
製程: |
0.18 micron |
封裝: |
Organic Land Grid Array (OLGA) package with Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) on 423-pin interposer |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
1.75V |
工作時脈: |
1300MHz - 3800MHz |
Intel Pentium IV Socket 423 Mechnical Sample 正 反
Intel Pentium IV 1300Mhz Willamette 正 反
Intel Pentium IV 1800AMhz Northwood 正 反
Intel Pentium IV 2000Mhz Northwood 正 反
Intel Pentium IV 2400Mhz Q223 Prescott Engineering Sample 正
Intel Pentium IV Cerelon 2500Mhz Northwood 正 反
