Intel Pentium II OverDrive - 1998

Intel Pentium II OverDrive is the upgrade solution for existing Pentium Pro machines. Pentium Pro 150Mhz and 180Mhz can upgrade to Pentium II 300Mhz; PPro 166Mhz and 200Mhz can upgrade to PII 333Mhz (What about the poor 133Mhz version?). How come Pentium 166Mhz can be upgraded 333Mhz than 180Mhz? That is because of the magic of frequency multiplier. However, this product is not common on the market because Pentium Pro was targeted at server applications. Personal users, at the time, already have the released Pentium II as a better upgrade option (so they can upgrade again to even higher working frequency). My old Pentium Pro 150Mhz (later overclocked to 180Mhz) were upgraded to Pentium 450Mhz. Intel Pentium II OverDrive also support multi-processor.
Process: |
00.25 Micron, 7.5 million transistors |
Package: |
387-pin Modified SCPGA |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
1.11V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
300MHz - 333MHz |
Intel Pentium II OverDrive 333Mhz (PODP66X333) [F] [F] [I] [B]

Intel Pentium II OverDrive 是專門給 Pentium Pro 主機升級用的中央處理器晶片(CPU)。PPro 150Mhz與180Mhz主機可以升級到PII 300Mhz,PPro 166Mhz與200Mhz主機可以升級到PII 333Mhz(PPro 133Mhz不知道怎麼辦)。不過這產品其實並不常見,因為Pentium Pro本身是給伺服器用的比較多,個人使用者當時也已經有Pentium III可以選擇了。我當初的Pentium Pro 150Mhz(後來超頻到180Mhz)也是直接升級到 Pentium II 450Mhz。不過這顆CPU也支援雙微處理器架構喔。
製程: |
0.25 Micron, 7.5 million transistors |
封裝: |
387-pin Modified SCPGA |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
1.11V |
工作時脈: |
300MHz - 333MHz |
Intel Pentium II OverDrive 333Mhz (PODP66X333) 正 正 內 反
