Intel Pentium II - 1997

Intel Pentium II CPU is primarily for desktop PCs. It has built-in L2 cache and supports dual-processors (it is actually Pentium Pro MMX version). Intel also start marketing their new cartridge package.
Pentium II Mobile is for notebook computers (what a surprise), and the Pentium II Xeon is aimed at server applications. Pentium Celeron is stripped version of Pentium II. Intel intentionally lower it L2 cache to down grade the performance; PII Celeron was targeting at low cost computer market. However, because of the poor performance (Intel completely removed its L2 cache), the early PII Celeron was criticized by the consumers. Intel, then, adjusting its strategy by restoring half of the original L2 Cache (was 256KB, now 128KB); Celeron, thus, has better performance with low price. This strategy remains even until today. However, users soon found out that the performance difference between Dou-Celeron system and Dou-Pentium II systems was only a little but there is a huge gap between the price; Celeron was actually hurting the Intel high-end market. Intel, therefore, decided to remove the SMP feature of Celeron processors to solve this problem.
The Intel Pentium II Celeron 300MhzA is the only Celeron here that has L2 Cache (128KB). There is also a Celeron engineering sample if you closer.
The lower right is Pentium II Xeon ES Intel Confidential (see the top secret?). Even though it is an engineering sample, because Xeon was targeted at server industry, there are a lot of those samples remains (many samples were given out for marketing and testing). Although it is still not easy to spot one, its selling value is not high on the auction market (because most collectors have it already).
Process: |
0.35 micron, 7.5 million transistors |
Package: |
Single Edge Contact Cartridge |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
2.8V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
233MHz - 450MHz |
Intel Pentium II [F]
Intel Pentium II 233Mhz 512KB [F]
Intel Pentium II 400Mhz 512KB [F]
Intel Pentium II Mobile 233Mhz 512KB [F] [B]
Intel Pentium II Cerelon [F] [B]
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 266Mhz ES [F]
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 266Mhz [F]
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 300Mhz [F]
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 300AMhz [F]
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 333Mhz [F]
Intel Pentium II Xeon [F] [I]
Intel Pentium II Xeon 400Mhz 512KB [F]
Intel Pentium II Xeon 500Mhz 512KB ES (80525KY5002M) [F]

Pentium II是給桌上型電腦的中央處理器晶片(CPU),除了內建L2 Cache以外,也支援雙處理器架構(就是 Pentium Pro MMX Edition)。英特爾也正式推廣新的插卡式介面。
Pentium II Mobile是給筆記型電腦用,而後來推出的 Pentium II Xeon 則是用來取代 Pentium Pro的伺服器微處理器(支援多處理器架構)。Pentium II Celeron則是被簡化的 Pentium II,英特爾故意減低其L2 Cache的大小來達到減低其效能的目的,其目標市場則是低價電腦,不過期初期的產品由於效能太差(完全沒有L2 Cache)而導致被使用者詬病。英特爾於是就調整戰略:將Celeron處理器的L2 Cache設定為只有Pentium II的一半(也就是128KB),這樣既有合理的效能,又有相對低廉的售價(有A字尾的);這樣的策略一直延續到今天。不過很快有人發現,使用雙Celeron的系統與雙Pentium II的系統差距不大,而價格卻便宜很多,結果造成了Celeron衝擊高階市場的局面。後來英特爾決定取消Celeron處理器的SMP功能,才解決了這個問題。
Intel Pentium II Celeron 300MhzA是這裡Celeron中唯一有L2 Cache的(128KB)。仔細看,這邊也有一顆Celeron工程版喔。
最右下角的Pentium II Xeon ES Intel Confidential(看到英特爾機密了沒?)雖然是工程版,可是因為Pentium II Xoen本身是給業界大廠使用,所以存世量還不少,雖然說現在貿然要找還是很不容易,但是拍賣市場價格並不高(因為大部分收藏家都有了)。
製程: |
0.35 micron, 7.5 million transistors |
封裝: |
Single Edge Contact Cartridge |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
2.8V |
工作時脈: |
233MHz - 450MHz |
Intel Pentium II 正
Intel Pentium II 233Mhz 512KB 正
Intel Pentium II 400Mhz 512KB 正
Intel Pentium II Mobile 233Mhz 512KB 正 反
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 正 反
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 266Mhz ES 正
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 266Mhz 正
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 300Mhz 正
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 300AMhz 正
Intel Pentium II Cerelon 333Mhz 正
Intel Pentium II Xeon 正 內
Intel Pentium II Xeon 400Mhz 512KB 正
Intel Pentium II Xeon 500Mhz 512KB ES (80525KY5002M) 正
