Intel Pentium - 1993

In 1993, Intel released Pentium processor (also known as 586). Based on previous naming scheme, this product should be called 80586, but this kind of product number cannot be registered as trademark; any competitor can name their product 586 to enter the market. In fact, at later stage of 486 era, some company already started using 586 to name their 486-based CPUs. Therefore, Intel decided to set apart from other companies and create a brand new name for their latest product - Pentium. The working voltage of the first generation Pentium (50~66Mhz) is still 5 volts and uses Socket 4. Intel, for the first time in ten years, lowered the working voltage to 3.3 volts in the second generation of Pentium (75Mhz~), which uses Socket 5. This is also the first time Intel changes socket specification within the same product line, and, of course, this limited the upgrade options of the first generation Pentium users. Pentium is the one giant step forward in the x86 processor history; the changes include: dramatic increase in number of transistors inside and enhanced float point processing. Not long after Pentium was introduced to the market, users found out the processor have a serious error that caused wrong results when performing floating point number division (FDIV bug). The bug forced Intel to recall the first generation Pentiums (products produced before December, 1994). Pentium 50Mhz also contains this error but it was produced as engineering sample and never officially released to the public.
Pentium's code name was P5 during the development. The first Pentium Q0335 processor on the right should be the engineering sample produced shortly after Intel had decided to use the name "Pentium." This Pentium ES is very unique: it has a gold dot at bottom left (usually the dot is just engraved); it has no speed marking either. The only Pentium 50 MHz specification number documented by Intel is Q0399, and this Pentium Q0335 ES has a spec. number even smaller than that (usually means it's produced earlier if it's in the same product line). The Pentium 60 MHz engineering sample (second processor on the right) is the earliest and only Intel documented Pentium CPU known in the world (Q0352, which means it has FDIV bug). Pentium was officially released on March 22nd, 1993 and the Pentium 60 MHz (A80501-60 Q0352) ES was produced about one month before the official Pentium release date. By examining the production date, we can see that the Pentium Q0335 engineering sample (first on the right) was produced in December, 1992, so it could very likely be the legendary Pentium 50Mhz.
There are also some unusual Pentium CPUs below. One of them, the PCPU5V60 is the early retail version of Pentium, which are being sold in retail boxes over the counter. The PCPU means "Pentium Central Processing Unit" which is pretty confusing (for meaning retail version??!!), so later, Intel starts to use BP (Boxed Pentium) initial for retail version CPUs. The other one is the Pentium 75 MHz 2.9V, an unusual ceramic package mobile version which has a lower working voltage than the normal 3.3 volt. The Intel Pentium 100Mhz (SX962) is the fastest and the last Pentium with gold heatspreader, which is pretty rare, too.
If you look closely at the Pentium in the right column, you can also find a rare Pentium 120Mhz engineering sample.
Process: |
0.6 micron, 3.2 million transistors |
Package: |
296-pin Staggered Ceramic Pin Grid Array |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
3.3V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
50 MHz - 200 MHz |
Intel Pentium 50Mhz Q0335 Engineering Sample [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 60Mhz Q0352 W/ FDIV Bug Engineering Sample (A80501-60) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 60Mhz SX753 W/ FDIV Bug (A80501-60) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 60Mhz SX835 W/ FDIV Bug & Processor Logo (A80501-60) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 60Mhz SX835 W/ FDIV Bug Gold Heatspreader (A80501-60) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 60Mhz Gold Heatspreader (A80501-60) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 60Mhz Retail (PCPU5V60) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 66Mhz SX754 W/ FDIV Bug (A80501-66) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 66Mhz Gold Heatspreader (A80501-66) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 75Mhz Gold Heatspreader (A80502-75) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 75Mhz (A8050275) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 75Mhz Retail (PCPU3V75) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 75Mhz 2.9V mobile verion CPGA (A8050275) [F]
Intel Pentium 75Mhz mobile verion (TT80502-75) [F]
Intel Pentium 90Mhz SX922 W/ FDIV Bug Gold Heatspreader (A80502-90) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 90Mhz Gold Heatspreader (A80502-90) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 90Mhz (A8050290) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 100Mhz (A80502100) [F]
Intel Pentium 100Mhz SX962 Gold Heatspreader (A80502-100) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 100Mhz Boxed (BP80502100) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 120Mhz Engineering Sample (A8050260-120) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 120Mhz (A80502120) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 120Mhz Boxed (BP80502120) [B]
Intel Pentium 133Mhz (A80502133) [F]
Intel Pentium 133Mhz Boxed (BP80502133) [B]
Intel Pentium 150Mhz (A80502150) [F]
Intel Pentium 150Mhz Boxed (BP80502150) [B]
Intel Pentium 166Mhz (A80502166) [F] [B]
Intel Pentium 200Mhz (FV80502200) [F] [B]

1993年,英特爾發佈了Pentium(台灣俗稱586)中央處理器晶片(CPU)。本來按照慣常的命名規律是80586,但是因為實際上「586」這樣的數字不能註冊成為商標使用,因此任何競爭對手都可以用586來擾亂消費市場。事實上在486發展末期,就已經有公司將486等級的產品標識成586來銷售了。因此英特爾決定使用自創的品牌來作為新產品的商標—Pentium。第一代Pentium(50~60Mhz)的工作電壓仍然是5V,並使用Socket 4插槽介面。第二代Pentium(75Mhz~)則把十年未變的工作電壓降至3.3V,並使用Socket 5插槽介面。這也是英特爾第一次在同一產品線使用兩種不同的插槽介面,當然這也造成舊插槽使用者升級的不便。Pentium是x86系列一大革新。其中電晶體數大幅提高並增強了浮點運算功能,不過Pentium剛推出的時候擁有浮點數除法不正確的錯誤(FDIV Bug),導致英特爾大量回收第一代產品(1994年十二月之前的產品)。Pentium 50Mhz也有這個FDIV錯誤,不過 A80501-50 只是業界樣本,從來沒有在市場上出現過。
Pentium剛開始的開發代號為P5,而右邊第一款Pentium Q0335 工程版應該是英特爾決定將P5命名為Pentium之後所製造的工程樣品。這顆Pentium工程樣品非常特殊,其左下角的小點居然是金色的(一般都是打磨出一個洞而已),甚至還沒有A80501的字樣。唯一在英特爾官方記錄裡有記載的Pentium 50Mhz的生產批號(Specification Number)為Q0399,而這顆Pentium Q0335工程樣品的生產批號比Q0399還小。右邊第二款Intel Pentium 60Mhz為目前世界上有在英特爾官方紀錄裡最早的Pentium CPU(Q0352,也含有 Bug FDIV),也是目前世界上已知僅存的一顆。Pentium正式推出的日期為1993年3月22日,而右邊第二款Pentium 60Mhz (A80501-60 Q0352)的製造日期正好就是Pentium正式推出的前一個月左右。用日期往回推,右邊第一款Pentium Q0335工程樣品的製造日期為1992年12月,所以這顆工程樣品非常有可能就是傳說中的Pentium 50Mhz。
下面還有有幾款不常見的Pentium版本。其中,PCPU5V60是早期的盒裝零售版,其中的PCPU字頭代表:「Pentium Central Processing Unit」,字面上根本看不出來是盒裝的意思,後來英特爾才把盒裝型號改成BP字頭:「Boxed Pentium」。而另一顆Pentium 75Mhz 2.9V(伏特)則是奇怪的陶瓷封裝的筆記型電腦版,工作電壓比一般的桌上型的3.3V低了一些。金色散熱版的Pentium 100Mhz (SX962)為Pentium裡面最快也是最後一款擁有金色散熱版的版本,其數量也是相當少。
右邊中間仔細看(或是從下面的列表點取)可以看到一顆少見的Pentium 120Mhz的工程版喔!
製程: |
0.6 micron, 3.2 million transistors |
封裝: |
296-pin Staggered Ceramic Pin Grid Array |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
3.3V |
工作時脈: |
50 MHz - 200 MHz |
Intel Pentium 50Mhz Q0335 Engineering Sample 正 反
Intel Pentium 60Mhz Q0352 W/ FDIV Bug Engineering Sample (A80501-60) 正 反
Intel Pentium 60Mhz SX753 W/ FDIV Bug (A80501-60) 正 反
Intel Pentium 60Mhz SX835 W/ FDIV Bug & Processor Logo (A80501-60) 正 反
Intel Pentium 60Mhz SX835 W/ FDIV Bug 金色散熱版 (A80501-60) 正 反
Intel Pentium 60Mhz 金色散熱版 (A80501-60) 正 反
Intel Pentium 60Mhz Retail (PCPU5V60) 正 反
Intel Pentium 66Mhz SX754 W/ FDIV Bug (A80501-66) 正 反
Intel Pentium 66Mhz 金色散熱版 (A80501-66) 正 反
Intel Pentium 75Mhz 金色散熱版 (A80502-75) 正 反
Intel Pentium 75Mhz (A8050275) 正 反
Intel Pentium 75Mhz Retail (PCPU3V75) 正 反
Intel Pentium 75Mhz 2.9V mobile verion CPGA (A8050275) 正
Intel Pentium 75Mhz mobile verion (TT80502-75) 正
Intel Pentium 90Mhz SX922 W/ FDIV Bug 金色散熱版 (A80502-90) 正 反
Intel Pentium 90Mhz 金色散熱版 (A80502-90) 正 反
Intel Pentium 90Mhz (A8050290) 正 反
Intel Pentium 100Mhz (A80502100) 正
Intel Pentium 100Mhz SX962 金色散熱版 (A80502-100) 正 反
Intel Pentium 100Mhz Boxed (BP80502100) 正 反
Intel Pentium 120Mhz Engineering Sample (A8050260-120) 正 反
Intel Pentium 120Mhz (A80502120) 正 反
Intel Pentium 120Mhz Boxed (BP80502120) 反
Intel Pentium 133Mhz (A80502133) 正
Intel Pentium 133Mhz Boxed (BP80502133) 反
Intel Pentium 150Mhz (A80502150) 正
Intel Pentium 150Mhz Boxed (BP80502150) 反
Intel Pentium 166Mhz (A80502166) 正 反
Intel Pentium 200Mhz (FV80502200) 正 反
