Intel 8086 - 1978

Intel 8086 is the first product of Intel's famous x86 family, which includes 386, 486, Pentium, even Pentium 4. It is also the first 16-bit microprocessor (CPU). It is incompatible with previous released Intel processor. Intel 8086 can address up to 1MB of memory, which was huge at the time. Intel 8086 consists of 29,000 transistors and has a clock speed of 4.77Mhz (8086-2 is 8Mhz). Intel also released a Math Co-processor called 8087 (the right below in display), which can increase the performance of arithmetic computation performance.
All modem CPUs have built-in math co-processors (or called FPU), so they do not need the help of an extra co-processor. However, limited by the technology at the 70's, the manufacturers usually chose to separate the co-processor from the CPU; it not only improved the yield ratio but also reduced the production cost. For users who are more tolerant of speed, they can save money by not buying the co-processor; they only need to buy one and put it onto the socket whenever they feel the need.
The Intel purple ceremic C8086 at the right is the first generation of all Intel 8086 and also the pioneer of Intel's x86 hegemony. This type of package were only procuded for short period of time after the 8086 introduction and is extremely rare (rarer than Intel C4004). According to the officials, Intel 8086 were introduced on June 8th, 1978 and this particular chip was produced in that month.
The Q initial of the QD8086 at the right lower photo means this chip passed the 160-hour burning screen test (operating temperature range from 0 to 70 degree Celsius) before release, so the quality and stability is guaranteed; of course, guess who is going to pay for the cost. Intel P8086-2 is the passive production version. Intel 8086 is also a popular choice for cloning by other companies. Until now, all the x86 compatible microprocessors still retain the instruction set of the original 8086.
Process: |
3 micron N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS) 29,000 transistors |
Package: |
40-pin side-brazed ceramic DIP |
Data Bandwidth: |
16 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
5 Mhz - 10 Mhz |
Intel 8086 5Mhz (C8086) [F] [B]
Intel 8086 5Mhz (QD8086) [F] [B]
Intel 8086 5Mhz (D8086) [F] [B]
Intel 8086 8Mhz (D8086-2) [F] [B]
Intel 8086 8Mhz (P8086-2) [F] [B]
Intel 8087 (C8087) [F] [B]

Intel 8086 為英特爾x86家族(什麼386、486乃至於Penitum 4都是)的元老,也是第一顆十六位元中央處理器晶片(CPU),跟之前英特爾出的微處理器都不相容。其記憶體定位功能達到1MB,在當時來說是超級大的。
8086包含2.9萬個電晶體,工作時脈為4.77MHz(8086-2是8Mhz),同時還生產出與之配合的數學輔助運算晶片(Math Co-processor)8087(見最右下角),這兩種晶片使用相同的指令集,可以互相配合提升數學運算的效率。 Copyright sdfhl © 2006 MyNikko.com & sdgf Nikko Cheng.
當然現在的CPU都內建數學輔助運算器,因此不再需要額外的數學輔助運算晶片,但是七十年代的技術限制,一般只能將數學輔助運算器做成另外一個晶片,供用戶選擇。這樣的好處是減少了製造的成本,提高了良率,更降低對速度需求不大的用戶支出:他們可以暫時不買數學輔助運算器,直到需要的時候買一個回來插到IC插座裏即可。 Copyright sdfhl © 2006 MyNikko.com & sdgf Nikko Cheng.
右邊這顆紫色陶瓷的C8086就是Intel 8086里面的元老,也可以說是英特爾x86霸業的開山始祖。這種封裝只有8086剛推出的時候有生產,非常稀少(比Intel C4004還少)。根據官方文件,Intel 8086於1978年6月8日推出,這顆晶片就是在推出的那一個月裡製造的。 Copyright sdfhl © 2006 MyNikko.com & sdgf Nikko Cheng.
右下邊這顆QD8086的Q字頭,代表這顆晶片是在出廠前經過一百六十小時的燒機測試(工作溫度是攝氏0度至70度),確定無誤之後才出貨,所以穩定性及品質有一定的保證,當然價格也就有「一定的保證」啦。Intel P8086-2 為量產版本。這款也是各家製造商爭相製造的對象,一直到今天,與x86相容的微處理器都還保有當時8086的指令集。 Copyright sdfhl © 2006 MyNikko.com & sdgf Nikko Cheng.
製程: |
3 micron N-channel, depletion load, silicon gate technology (HMOS) 29,000 transistors |
封裝: |
40-pin side-brazed ceramic DIP |
資料頻寬: |
16 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
工作時脈: |
5 Mhz - 10 Mhz |
Intel 8086 5Mhz (C8086) 正 反
Intel 8086 5Mhz (QD8086) 正 反
Intel 8086 5Mhz (D8086) 正 反
Intel 8086 8Mhz (D8086-2) 正 反
Intel 8086 8Mhz (P8086-2) 正 反
Intel 8087 (C8087) 正 反
