Intel 8085 - 1976

Intel 8085 is the revised version of Intel 8080A microprocessor (CPU) requiring single voltage power (Intel 8080 requires +5, -5 and +12V). Since Intel 8085 is fully compatible with Intel 8080 but requires less peripheral supporting chips (i.e. clock generator), Intel 8085 fully replaced 8080A. Even until now, Intel 8085 remains to be one of the popular options for small scale computing.
The Intel C8085 purple ceramic at the right is a rare version of 8085. Not only the number of purple ceramic version produced is very few, but also the silver/grey print (chalk like) on the black lid is extremely fragile. One in nice condition like this is very hard to find.
The Intel MD8085AH/B at lower right is a military specification microprocessor, which is quite difficult to obtain. This chip were place in a special designed anti-shock/anti-static container when I received it.
The D and P initial are the massive production version. The P8085AH at bottom right was produced in December 1998, which is almost 21 years apart from the date the first C8085 was made; this is also the proof that Intel 8085 has the longest production span among Intel microprocessors.
Process: |
10 micron |
Package: |
40-pin ceramic DIP |
Data Bandwidth: |
8 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
3~6 Mhz |
Intel 8085 (C8085A) [F] [B]
Intel 8085 (C8085AH-2) [F] [B]
Intel 8085 Military Spec (MD8085AH/B) [F] [B]
Intel 8085 (D8085A) [F] [B]
Intel 8085 (P8085AH) [F]
Intel 8085 (P8085AH-1) [F] [B]

這顆Intel 8085為8080的單一工作電壓版(以前的英特爾8080微處理器晶片需要 +5V, -5V, 以及 +12V三種電壓才能運作)。Intel 8085與8080相容,但是因為單一工作電壓以及更多周邊晶片整合的關係,所以8085完全取代了8080。一直到二十一世紀初的今天,8085晶片還是被運用在各種小型電腦上。
右邊這顆紫色陶瓷的Intel C8085A 是非常少見的版本。這種紫色陶瓷版本來產量就非常少,加上黑色蓋子上的銀色印刷(有點像是粉筆)非常容易被污損,品相好的幾乎是可遇而不可求。
右下邊這顆Intel MD8085AH/B為真正的軍用中央處理器晶片(CPU),取得並不容易。這顆晶片運來的時候還被放在一個非常特別的抗撞擊防靜電容器裡。
其他D字頭以及P字頭都是量產之後比較便宜的封裝。最右下角的P8085AH製造於1998年12月,距離第一顆C8085將近二十一年,這也證明了Intel 8085為英特爾微處理器產品中生命週期最長的一款。
製程: |
10 micron |
封裝: |
40-pin ceramic DIP |
資料頻寬: |
8 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
工作時脈: |
3~6 Mhz |
Intel 8085 (C8085A) 正 反
Intel 8085 (C8085AH-2) 正 反
Intel 8085 Military Spec (MD8085AH/B) 正 反
Intel 8085 (D8085A) 正 反
Intel 8085 (P8085AH) 正
Intel 8085 (P8085AH-1) 正 反
