Intel 8080 - 1974
Intel 8080 is a enhanced version of Intel 8008 microprocessor (CPU). Its operation speed reaches 2 Mhz and it has direct memory address access, supports over 7 level stacking and addresses memory up to 64KB.
Intel 8080 was the processor of Altair personal computer, named after the destination of the starship Enterprise from the Star Trek TV show. It was also the first well known brand for personal computers. The computer kit was sold at US$395.00 per unit. The sales reaches over ten thousand in just a few months and created a milestone in personal computer history. Bill Gates actually saw the cover story about Altair 8080, which uses Intel 8080 as its CPU, and decided to design a programming language - BASIC for the computer. That led to the birth of Microsoft, which changed his life and world forever.
Intel C8080A is the revised version of Intel C8080. The purple ceramic C8080A microprocessor at right is the rarest version of the product line; there are only five of them known in the world (from the same lot). The purple C8080A was produced later than those ordinary white ceramic C8080A, even later than the second revision C8080B. It should be last ceramic version of 8008 product line (maybe they ran out of white ceramic package at the time?).
P8080A is the cheaper package version of Intel 8080. In fact, due to the success of the 8080, many manufacturers also start cloning this processor. Countries, like Japan, Russia, Hungary, Romania and Poland, all had tried to produce cloned version of Intel 8008.
Process: |
10 micron, 4,500 transistors |
Package: |
40-pin ceramic DIP |
Data Bandwidth: |
8 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
2 Mhz |
Intel 8080 Purple (C8080A) [F] [B]
Intel 8080 (C8080A) [F] [B]
Intel 8080 (P8080A) [F] [B]
Intel 8080為8008的加強版中央處理器晶片(CPU),其運算速度達到2 Mhz,有直接記憶體定址、支援超過七層堆疊、並支援到64KB的記憶體的特點。
8080被用於當時一種品牌為Altair(牽牛星,這個名字來源於當時電視劇「星際奇航」的企業號太空船的最終目的地)的電腦上。這也是有史以來第一個知名的個人電腦。當時這種電腦的套件售價是395美元,短短數月的時間裏面,銷售業績達到了數萬部,創造了個人電腦銷售歷史的一個里程碑。比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)當初就是在雜誌上看到使用Intel 8080當中央處理器晶片(CPU)的Altair 8080電腦才決定來幫這款電腦設計BASIC程式語言,當然後來的微軟霸業也就是從這台電腦開始的。
Intel C8080A為Intel C8080的改良版。右邊這顆紫色陶瓷C8080A為同型號裡面最稀有的版本,全世界目前已知只有五顆(都是同一批)。這款紫色陶瓷C8080A的生產日期比一般的白色陶瓷C8080A要晚很多,而且比後來推出的C8080B還要晚,應該是英特爾陶瓷版8080最後一批產品(說不定是因為白色陶瓷封裝用完了?)。
製程: |
10 micron |
封裝: |
40-pin ceramic DIP |
資料頻寬: |
8 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
工作時脈: |
2 Mhz |
Intel 8080 紫色陶瓷 (C8080A) 正 反
Intel 8080 (C8080A) 正 反
Intel 8080 (P8080A) 正 反