Intel 80486 OverDrive - 1991

Intel 486 OverDrive provides original i486 users the option of upgrading their CPU without chaning the motherboard. Basically, Intel 486 OverDrives are processors running at higher frenquency using multiplier, so the old motherboard still runs at the same frenquency. The ODP prefix means the OverDrive processor needs an extra socket adaptor, while the ODP prefix means the OverDrive processor can be inserted into the original socket (i.e. replace the original CPU directly). The naming of earlier Intel 486 OverDrive is based on its base frequency, so ODPR486DX-25 actually runs at 25 X 2 = 50 Mhz; later Intel changed their naming system to reflect the true running speed of the processor.
The Intel OverDriver DX4 100Mhz Mechanical Sample right below is one fo the rarer items in my collection; this mechanical sample should be operational since it even have its frequency marked on top.
Process: |
1,185,000 transistors (1 micron) and 900,000 transistors (0.8 micron) |
Package: |
168-pin Pin Grid Array |
Data Bandwidth: |
32 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
50MHz - 100MHz |
Intel OverDrive SX 40Mhz (ODP486SX-20) [F] [B]
Intel OverDrive DX 50Mhz (ODPR486DX-25) [F] [B]
Intel OverDrive DX2 66Mhz (DX2ODPR66) [F] [B]
Intel OverDrive DX4 75Mhz (DX4ODPR75) [F] [B]
Intel OverDrive DX4 100Mhz Mechanical Sample (DX4ODPR100) [F] [B]
Intel OverDrive DX4 100Mhz (DX4ODPR100) [F] [B]

Intel 486 OverDrive是提供80486使用者升級選擇(不過還是升級到80486等級)的中央處理器晶片(CPU),基本上其作用原理就是比原來使用更高的倍頻。ODP需要使用特殊的轉接插座,而ODPR則是將原來的處理器直接換掉(所以針角數是一樣的)。Intel 486 OverDrive 早期的命名是以內頻為命名基準,所以以ODPR486DX-25來說,其速度為 50 Mhz,後來 Intel 才使用新的命名方法。
右下的Intel OverDriver DX4 100Mhz Mechanical Sample也是非常少見的藏品,不過以它連工作時脈都標上去了的情況來看,這顆機械樣品應該是可以運作的。
製程: |
1,185,000 transistors (1 micron) and 900,000 transistors (0.8 micron) |
封裝: |
168-pin Pin Grid Array |
資料頻寬: |
32 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
工作時脈: |
50MHz - 100MHz |
Intel OverDrive SX 40Mhz (ODP486SX-20) 正 反
Intel OverDrive DX 50Mhz (ODPR486DX-25) 正 反
Intel OverDrive DX2 66Mhz (DX2ODPR66) 正 反
Intel OverDrive DX4 75Mhz (DX4ODPR75) 正 反
Intel OverDrive DX4 100Mhz Mechanical Sample (DX4ODPR100) 正 反
Intel OverDrive DX4 100Mhz (DX4ODPR100) 正 反
