Intel 80376 - 1989

Intel 80376 low cost processor is designed for high performance embedded systems. Intel 376 is, in fact, a variant of the Intel 80386 SX. Originally, 80386 has three different execution mode: real, protected (80286 & 80386) and 8086 virtual mode. Intel 80376 only supports Unix-oriented 386 protected mode with no memory paging. Like 386SX, Intel 376 only has 16-bit external data bandwidth and supports up to 16MB of RAM; it is still a 32-bit processor. The 80376 processor offers a high degree of compatibility with the 80386; all 80386 32-bit programs not dependent on paging can be executed on the 80376 and all 80376 programs can be executed on the 80386. In fact, any 80386-based computer can be used to develop and test 80376 programs. Intel 80376 was widely used in the industry as embedded processor until 1994, when the more popular 386EX was released; Intel 376 was gradually replaced and finally discontinued in 2001.
Intel 80376 only has two type of packaging: one is the CPGA (Ceramic Pin Grid Array) and the other one is PQFP (Plastic Quad Flat-Pack). Intel 376 should not be considered as rare, because it was widely used in the industry. Interestingly, not many CPU collectors, who targeted at x86 processors , ever noticed 80376. It might be because of 376's marketing was not targeted at personal computers and its confusing naming scheme (like 82385 Cache Controller). In fact, it is not easy to spot a 80376 on the collector market.
Process: |
1 micron, High Speed CHMOS IV Technology 275,000 transistors |
Package: |
88-pin ceramic PGA |
Data Bandwidth: |
16 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
16MHz - 20MHz |
Intel 80376 16Mhz (A80376-16) [F] [B]

Intel 80376為英特爾專門為嵌入式系統所推出的低價位中央處理器。嚴格說起來,Intel 376其實為80386 SX的變種。80386當初設計的時候擁有三種執行模式:真實模式、保護模式(80286與80386)以及執行8086程式的虛擬模式。Intel 80376只剩下UNIX常用的386保護模式,並且不支援記憶體分頁。跟386SX一樣,Intel 376的外部資料頻寬只有16位元而且只支援16MB記憶體,其內部頻寬還是32位元。Intel 80376與80386保持高度的相容性,兩者的程式幾乎可以互通(32位元程式),除了某些需要用到記憶體分頁的程式。事實上,開發376的軟體非常簡便,只需要使用現成的386個人電腦就可以直接撰寫並測試程式。Intel 80376一直被工業界大量運用到1994年,才逐漸被後來推出的386EX淘汰掉,並於2001年停產。
Intel 80376只有兩種封裝,一種就是如右邊所展示的陶瓷封裝,另一種就是黑色塑膠的QFP(Quad Flat-Pack)封裝。以數量上來說,Intel 80376實在一點都稱不上稀少。尤其在工業界大量被運用的結果,存世量應該很多。不過奇怪的是,很少收集中央微處理器的人會去注意到376,儘管x86 CPU算是收集界的熱門產品。不知道是不熟悉還是因為它的命名讓大家把它跟82385快取控制晶片搞混了。市面上要找到80376還真的是不大容易的事。
製程: |
1 micron, High Speed CHMOS IV Technology 275,000 transistors |
封裝: |
88-pin ceramic PGA |
資料頻寬: |
16 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
工作時脈: |
16MHz - 20MHz |
Intel 80376 16Mhz (A80376-16) 正 反
