Intel 80186 - 1982

Intel 80186 (also known as 186) is, in fact, an updated version of Intel 8086, so its external data bandwidth is 16 bits and it also needs a 80187 co-processor for better performance. At the time, only a few personal computers used 80186 as their CPU; those computers include Siemens's very first personal computer - Siemens PC-D (using MS-DOS 2.11) and some educational computers in Sweden, the UK and Canada. From time prospective, Intel 80286 was release not long after the 80186, so Intel 80186 did not have the chance to be a part of the personal computer revolution. However, because 80186 greatly reduced the dependency on peripheral chips (80186 has built-in memory I/O, clock generator and counter), 80186 was widely adopted as microcontroller chip in the industry.
Intel C80186 is the first generation of Intel 80186 line. The second on the right is a rare military version of 80186. Because 80186 had been widely used in the industry for a period of time, 80186 was also a common choice for aerospace and military purposes as a microcontroller. However, many newer devices that require complex operation turn to 80386 and 80486 for better performance. Please note the FA80C186CP at the right bottom is an engineering sample, which was not released officially. 80C186 is the second generation of Intel 80186 (not a 80286). Its processing speed was doubled but power consumption was only 1/4 of the first generation products.
Process: |
-- |
Package: |
68-pin ceramic LCC |
Data Bandwidth: |
16 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
3MHz - 20MHz |
Intel 80186 (C80186) [F] [B]
Intel 80186 3Mhz (C80186-3) [F] [B]
Intel 80186 6Mhz (C80186-6) [F] [B]
Intel 80186 8Mhz Military (MG80186 8/B) [F] [B]
Intel 80186 (R80186) [F] [B]
Intel 80186 Reversed Print (R80186) [F] [B]
Intel 80186 (N80186) [F]
Intel 80186 (80186-N) [F]
Intel 80186 Engineering Sample (FA80C186CP) [F] [B]

Intel 80186(簡稱186)其實就是8086的更新版,所以其外部頻寬為十六位元,而且它一樣需要80187輔助運算器(Co-Processor)來提高運算速度。當初只有少數個人電腦採用80186當作中央處理器晶片(CPU),其中包括了西門子(Siemens)所生產的第一台個人Siemens PC-D(採用MS-DOS 2.11) 以及一些學校教學用電腦(瑞典、英國以及加拿大)。但從時間上看,就在80186剛推出沒幾周,80286就出現了,所以它並不像80286一樣造成個人電腦界的旋風。
製程: |
-- |
封裝: |
68-pin ceramic LCC |
資料頻寬: |
16 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
工作時脈: |
3MHz - 20MHz |
Intel 80186 (C80186) 正 反
Intel 80186 3Mhz (C80186-3) 正 反
Intel 80186 6Mhz (C80186-6) 正 反
Intel 80186 8Mhz Military (MG80186 8/B) 正 反
Intel 80186 (R80186) 正 反
Intel 80186 Reversed Print (R80186) 正 反
Intel 80186 (N80186) 正
Intel 80186 (80186-N) 正
Intel 80186 Engineering Sample (FA80C186CP) 正 反
