Intel 8008 - 1972

Intel 8008 is the world's first 8-bit microprocessor (CPU); it was released in two different speed: 0.5Mhz and 0.8Mhz. Although Intel 8008 has a slower clock speed than Intel 4004, because of the 8-bit data bandwidth, Intel 8008's overall performance is still better than Intel 4004. Intel 8008 can address up to 16KB of memory.
Intel 8008 was Intel's contracted product (code name: 1201), CPU for Computer Terminal Corporation's (CTC) new computer - Datapoint 2200. Because the delivery deadline was missed and the performance was lower than expected, CTC rejected this product. However, they made a mutual agreement, so Intel was able to sell this product to other customers.
The purple ceramic with gold pin version (C8008) is the rarer version of Intel 8008. Intel C8008-1 is the 0.8Mhz version. Intel D8008 is the massively produced version with cheaper package.
Process: |
10 micron 3,500 transistors |
Package: |
18-pin ceramic DIP |
Data Bandwidth: |
8 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
0.5 Mhz - 0.8 Mhz |
Intel 8008 (C8008) [F] [B]
Intel 8008 (C8008-1) [F] [B]
Intel 8008 (D8008) [F] [B]

Intel 8008為世界上第一款八位元中央處理器晶片(CPU)。8008共推出兩種速度,0.5 Mhz以及0.8 Mhz,雖然比4004的工作時脈慢,不過因為是八位元處理器(比起4004的四位元),整體效能要比4004好上許多。8008可以支援到16KB的記憶體。
Intel 8008原本是英特爾為 Computer Terminal Corporation(CTC)的Datapoint 2200所製造的微處理器(原本叫Intel 1201),不過因為交貨延遲而效能又比原本宣稱的差,所以慘遭退貨,不過CTC允許Intel將8008出售給其他客戶。
Intel C8008是比較珍貴的紫色陶瓷鍍金接角版本(C8008-1為0.8Mhz版),D8008則是後期出的量產版。
製程: |
10 micron 3,500 transistors |
封裝: |
18-pin ceramic DIP |
資料頻寬: |
8 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
工作時脈: |
0.5 Mhz - 0.8 Mhz |
Intel 8008 (C8008) 正 反
Intel 8008 (C8008-1) 正 反
Intel 8008 (D8008) 正 反
