Intel 4040 - 1974

Intel 4040 is an enhanced version of Intel 4004 microprocessor (CPU). Although they have the same clock speed, Intel 4040 has doubled memory address, increased stack size, eight more 4-bit registers with interrupt and four new instructions.
Intel 4040 were primarily used for games, testing, development and controls. For example, Intel iUPP 103 PROM Programmer uses 4040 as its controller. Intel 4040 was released after Intel 8008, so its release was not well noticed. Because of that, it is quite hard to spot an Intel 4040 on the market (especially C4040).
Process: |
10 micron P-channel silicon gate MOS technology 2,300 transistors |
Package: |
24-pin ceramic DIP |
Data Bandwidth: |
4 bit |
Working Voltage: |
15V |
Released Clock Speed(s) |
0.74 Mhz |
Intel 4040 (C4040) [F] [B]
Intel 4040 (D4040) [F] [B]

Intel 4040為4004的增強版中央處理器晶片(CPU),雖然他們的速度一樣,不過4040擁有雙倍的記憶體定址、增加堆疊空間、多了八個四位元暫存器(registers),其中包括了中斷功能、還有增加了十四個新的指令。
Intel 4040主要還是用在遊戲、測試、研究以及機件控制,比如說 Intel iUPP 103 PROM Programmer 裡面的控制器就是使用Intel 4040。Intel 4040出現的時間比8008還晚,所以它的存在一直沒有受到很大的重視,也是因為如此,市面上很難找到Intel 4040(尤其C4040)。
製程: |
10 micron P-channel silicon gate MOS technology 2,300 transistors |
封裝: |
24-pin ceramic DIP |
資料頻寬: |
4 bit |
工作電壓: |
15V |
工作時脈: |
0.74 Mhz |
Intel 4040 (C4040) 正 反
Intel 4040 (D4040) 正 反
