Intel 3101 - 1969
Intel 3101 is not a microprocessor; it is the first solid state memory in the world and also the very first product of Intel (Intel was only a memory manufacture company at the time). Instead of using the conventional Gold Diffusion Processes, Intel used the faster Bipolar Technology to increase the production speed. Initially, Intel started to develop two products at the same time: 3101 and 1101; it turned out that 3101 won the race and became the Intel's first product.
The capacity of Intel 3101 memory is only 64 bits, which is equal to the size of an memory address in 64-bits systems, eight 8 bit ASCII alphabets or four Chinese characters. In other words, the chip in the photo can only store "Intel310" - a string of eight ASCII characters.
I only collect Intel CPUs, but since this is Intel's first product and I had the chance, this white ceramic Intel 3101 chip became part of my collection. A rarer version is white ceramic with gray trace, which is same as my Intel C4004; please refer to my C4004 to see what I am talking about here. The chip in the right photo has no date code at the bottom; that means this chip was produced in the early years of Intel.
Package: |
16-pin ceramic DIP |
Data Bandwidth: |
4 bit |
Working Voltage: |
-- |
Intel 3101 (C3101) [F]

Intel 3101 並不是中央處理器晶片(CPU),不過它是全世界第一顆固態記憶體(solid state memory),也是英特爾第一個產品(當初英特爾只是一家生產記憶體的公司而已)。英特爾捨棄了Gold Diffusion Processes,而採用使用了較快的Bipolar Technology來提高生產速度。當初英特爾同時研發兩種產品:3101與1101,不過後來3101贏了這場比賽,成為英代爾第一個產品。
3101的容量只有64位元(Bits),等於現在64bit處理器一個位址的大小,也等於八個8bit ASCII字母,或是四個中文字。3101有十六個位址,一個位址的容量為4位元。簡單的說,照片上這顆C3101的容量只可以容納「Intel310」這八個字母而已。
只收集中央處理器的我,本來對非CPU的產品沒興趣,不過因為這是英特爾有史以來第一個產品,具有代表性而且正好有機會,所以得到這顆白陶瓷的Intel C3101。還有一款更珍貴的是白色陶瓷帶有灰色花紋(其實是內部線路)的C3101,請參閱我Intel C4004就可以知道這種灰色花紋長什麼樣子。
封裝: |
16-pin ceramic DIP |
資料頻寬: |
4 bit |
工作電壓: |
-- |
Intel 3101 (C3101) 正