Intel 3002 - 1974
Intel 3002 is pretty close to a CPU by today's standard but not quite; it's only a 2-bit slicer. 3002 does not have an instruction set. When processing, it reads instruction from external devices. At core, 3002 only performs the basic bit operations. 4-bit slicer was the more popular choice on the market at the time. Two Intel 3002 are needed to have the same processing power of just one 4-bit slicer, so Intel 3002 was not a very popular product at the time. Of course, we can combine more 3002s to increase its processing power; for example, eight Intel 3002s can process 16-bit data at once when combined.
The Intel C3002 ES on the right is the engineering sample of the Intel 3002, which is very rare. In March, 2006, there was a seller listed his father's private collection: a lot of 16 Intel C3002 ES on eBay. The final auction price was about US$4400. However, the chips were all won by the same buyer, and he refused to resell any of them.
Package: |
28-pin ceramic DIP |
Data Bandwidth: |
2 bit |
Working Voltage: |
5V |
Intel 3002 Engineering Sample (C3002 ES) [F] [B]
Intel 3002 (D3002) [F] [B]

Intel 3002算是微處理器的雛形。嚴格來說 Intel 3002也不算是中央處理器晶片(CPU),因為它沒有內建指令,他只是一個 2-bit slicer 處理器,實際要運算的時候,是從外部的儲存硬體中將所需要的指令讀入3002中,也就是說真正的核心只是用來執行一些最基本的邏輯運算。而且當時市面上比較熱門的是4-bit slicer,兩顆3002才能抵的上一顆4-bit slicer,一樣的工作就需要兩倍的晶片數量,所以Intel 3002也不是一項熱門商品。當然,多顆3002集合起來就可以處理更多位元,比如說,八顆3002可以結合起來一次處理16位元。
右邊這款Intel 3002是目前最稀有的白陶瓷C3002,而且還是ES(Enginerring Sample)版本,也就是內部流出版。2006年三月eBay上面有一位私人收藏家一次把他父親的壓箱寶一共16顆Intel C3002 ES一起拿出來賣,最後總成交價高達US$4400.00(合新台幣約十三萬),不過都是被同一位買家買走,而且他拒絕出售任何一顆。
封裝: |
28-pin ceramic DIP |
資料頻寬: |
2 bit |
工作電壓: |
5V |
Intel 3002 Engineering Sample (C3002 ES) 正 反
Intel 3002 (D3002) 正 反
